Nottingham City Homes x Frame

See how Frame integrates with real businesses to improve efficiency and achieve results.

The Nottingham City Homes (NCH) Group seeks to deliver affordable homes and places where people want to live. The group comprises Nottingham City Homes, and its subsidiaries NCH Registered Provider and NCH Enterprises Ltd. As of 2021, they were responsible for around 27,500 homes, housing about a fifth of Nottingham households. These are homes managed on behalf of Nottingham City Council, shareholders, homes managed on behalf of other landlords and homes owned by the NCH subsidiaries. They also provide a full maintenance service as well as a range of services to support people in their homes.

We asked Matthew (Building Safety Manager) from Nottingham City Homes about his experience with Frame.

Before Frame, what were the challenges you faced?

As an organization, we have a legislative requirement to ensure our tenants are safe in their homes. Managing over 65,000 tenants living in 27,000 properties across Nottingham is a challenge. Since the Fire Safety Act was updated in 2021, our responsibilities increased with regular inspections required to flat entrance doors. We have approximately 2,000 flats that fall within the legislation, so it was imperative we find a solution that was not just an information gathering process but something we could use to drive efficiencies.

Why did you choose Frame Software?

Using spreadsheets for asset management was inefficient. We decided to search for software providers and after a demonstration with Certags, we were sold on Frame for managing our growing Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) fleet. We liked the idea of the web dashboard being used by our staff in the office and the app being used by our technicians on site.

How did Frame help?

When we started using the Frame software, we uploaded our assets into the system. Being able to assign and transfer asset components between sites and zones in real time has been invaluable. We now have up to date information on where assets are, with the unintended benefit of keeping track of asset stock levels within the workshop zone.

How would you describe your experience so far?

Certags has helped guide us through each stage, providing support with all aspects of the system.

This is why we chose Frame; support is key!

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Frame puts you in control by digitizing your business processes, and optimising your workflows.

“After we reviewed the top 10 asset management software, we discovered that Frame met a lot of our requirements. From creating calendar appointments to asset tagging the doors with QR coding, Frame was exactly what was needed.”

-Matthew Woods
Building Safety Manager, Nottingham City Homes

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