Fall Protection & Height Safety Inspection Tags and Labels

Heavy duty tags and labels for safety harness inspection, fall arrest system inspection, anchor point inspection, rope access and ladder safety inspection.

Certags manufacture and produce equipment safety tags and labels including height safety inspection products, harness inspection tags and harness tags and stickers.

Our height safety solutions are UV stable, tear-proof and made to withstand a minimum of 5 years outdoors. Customise inspection fields, colours and add your business information and branding.

Some of our product offerings include:

  • Safety harness inspection tags, labels and stickers
  • Fall arrest/restraint equipment tags
  • Anchor point inspection tags
  • Rope access/fall arrest tags
  • Ladder inspection tags and labels

We offer expert guidance and free design service to help you get your inspection, identification or asset tag just right.

Customisation options include:

  • Size and shape
  • Field information/writeable sections
  • Barcodes and QR codes
  • Full-colour printing
  • Adhesive and non-adhesive options
  • Various heavy-duty material choices to suit your environment and application

Feel free to get in touch with our team, we provide practical advice on tag choices for your specific requirements.

Height Safety Products

ladder inspection checklist writeable label

Ladder Tags

Height safety ladder inspection inserts and holders in a variety of sizes. Double-sided, writeable and replaceable cards.

anchor point inspection tags


Durable eyebolt and anchor point inspection tags that come in many configurations, styles and sizes. Adhesive and non adhesive options available.

adhesive height safety label

Adhesive Labels

Adhesive labels popular for ladder inspection checklists, height safety inspection records, asset identification and general industrial applications.

harness and height safety equipment inspection tags

Bat Tags

Our most popular product for height safety and rope access. Our tags and labels are fully compliant with worldwide safety standards.

height safety tags

Safety Tags

Safety tags are printed in full color on tear-proof heavy duty PVC. Popular applications include Do Not Use, Out Of Service and Warning tags.

height safety tags


Durable and highly visible MEWP tags designed to streamline your inspection processes, helping operators and supervisors quickly verify equipment status. 

Ready To Get Started?

Contact us today for a free sample pack of products and a chat about how we can help meet your business needs.

safety harness tags, lanyard tags, lockout tagout