Asset Management Software

Choosing the right software to suit your application and company size is vital for the smooth integration of RFID.  

You wouldn’t let carpenter fit a gas boiler, would you? 

The most common problem we see with complete RFID solutions is software companies supplying RFID tags/labels that are not fit for purpose.  

Most software companies deal with IT projects for schools, universities and local councils, meaning they don’t have the know how to supply industrial standard RFID solutions for industries such as Oil & Gas and Manufacturing.    

Certags are the experts in industrial tagging, so we have teamed up with expert software partners who specialise in custom software to suit all business sizes and industries. 

You already have software but not the right RFID tags 

Certags RFID products can be integrated with all RFID asset management systems, including 3rd party software providers and bespoke in-house solutions.  

Speak to your account manager today or complete our online RFID questionnaire here so we can find the best solution for you.  

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