From paper to digital: How software helps companies save money

It is no longer news that the UK is facing a severe shortage of skilled labor, with a recent study conducted by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reporting that in November 2022, over 13% of businesses in the UK experienced a shortage of workers across various industries like food services, construction and engineering.

Companies in these industries need talented individuals with the right skills and qualifications to deliver quality work and ensure safety compliance. However, the shortage of skilled labour is making it challenging to find the right people with the required expertise. Consequently, businesses cannot afford to have their remaining talents stuck in administrative duties that can be handled with technology. This is where solutions like Frame come in.

Frame is a software solution that improves the efficiency and productivity of workers by automating manual tasks. This enables existing staff to take on the tasks that require their capabilities, reducing the need to hire more workers.

With Frame, technicians can focus more on revenue-generating and essential activities by automating their manual processes like generating reports, scheduling inspections and repairs.

Here are five ways that Frame can help your business:

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